Cable TV Committee
NGTV CHANNEL 3 and 1302
New Gloucester Cable Television Committee Mission Statement
The New Gloucester Cable Television Committee (CTC) oversees New Gloucester Television’s (NGTV) public, educational and governmental (PEG) access Channel. The CTC is responsible for providing the citizens of New Gloucester with such coverage of civic and public events as the interest of the public, the availability of equipment and citizen participation permits. The CTC is responsible for the establishment, modification, supervision, and recruitment of citizen participation for NGTV. All functions shall be in accordance with the bylaws adopted by the CTC as approved by the Select Board and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders. The CTC, through the Select Board, is authorized to receive donations and contributions for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and expanding NGTV. The committee will be comprised of seven at-large members, one Select Board Liaison and a staff member.
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