Fire & Rescue
Fire Rescue Chief, Craig Bouchard
Phone: 207-926-4142
Phone: 207-926-4142
Fax: 207-926-4424
Email: chief@newgloucester.com
The New Gloucester Fire & Rescue Department will no longer be issuing Burn Permits.
They are to be done online only by visiting:
Please click here to read information on new law going into effect on Wednesday - October 25th
Are you interested in learning more about how you can help your Fire & Rescue Department?
Are you interested in joining the New Gloucester Fire & Rescue Department?
The New Gloucester Fire & Rescue Department is looking for the following:
Ambulance Drivers - Emergency Medical Technicians - Fire Ground Support Staff
Interior Fire Fighters - Traffic Control - Special Event Staff
If you are interested or want more information
please contact the New Gloucester Fire/Rescue Department at (207) 926-4142
The Fire-Rescue Department is having a difficult time locating addresses for emergency calls they receive because either street numbers are not visible from the roadway or are missing entirely. In addition, SAD 15 school bus drivers, delivery drivers, mail carriers and your friends need to locate your address.
All numbering should be a MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES in height on the dwelling and a MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES in height on a post, fence, wall or mailbox, per Town of New Gloucester Ordinance for Street Naming and Property Numbering Section 6.a.
The department covers approximately 48 square miles that make up the community which has seen substantial growth over the past several years while still maintaining some rural character. Well trained and dedicated “on-call” personnel and a fulltime fire chief respond to all types of emergencies including fires, medical calls, accidents, hazardous materials, and off-road incidents - to name a few.
The department has eight response vehicles including two engines, two tankers, a squad truck, a pickup truck, and an ambulance. The department still has in running condition its first fire engine, a 1928 Model-A engine.
The department handles on average 550 calls each year. Our staff is active and well trained putting in over 2500 hours annually in training and over 10,000 hours responding to calls. The department actively participates with its neighbouring departments in mutual aid emergency responses and trainings.
To see more of what’s happening in the department follow us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/newgloucesterfirerescue