General Assistance

for the Town of New Gloucester 
is being administered by
Cumberland County Regional GA Program
To Schedule an Appointment
Please contact Paige Kombakis at (207) 632-2240 
In an Emergency - please call
Cumberland County Dispatch
(207) 893-2810

The municipality of New Gloucester administers a General Assistance program for the support of the poor.  Pursuant to Title 22 MRSA §4305, the municipal officers have adopted an ordinance establishing that program.  A copy of this ordinance is available for public inspection at the Town Office.
The municipality’s General Assistance administrator must issue a written decision regarding eligibility to all applicants within 24 hours of receiving an application.
The Department of Human Services’ toll-free telephone number to call with a questions regarding the General Assistance Program is 1-800-442-6003.
This notice is posted pursuant to Title 22 MRSA §§ 4304-4305.

Food Pantries:
The New Gloucester Food Pantry is located at the Congregational Church, 19 Church Road, New Gloucester and is open the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Saturday of every month from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.  If you have any questions, please call (207) 926-3260.
The Gray Food Pantry is located at the First Congregational Church and is open the first (1st) and third (3rd) Friday of every month from 2:00  p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Caring Community is an organization run by volunteers that offers Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance to those residents of New Gloucester and Gray that are in need.  Application forms are available through the school system, New Gloucester Town Office, New Gloucester Public Library, Gray Town Office and Gray Public Library starting in early November.   For more information, contact Donna Rand at (207) 671-4458.